How can I book?

To enquire about your next tattoo please fill out our tattoo enquiry form. We will direct your enquiry to your chosen tattoo artist or if you have no preference an artist with available time will contact you. Make sure you fill in the form to the best of your ability. If you are unsure of anything that is ok, your artist will help when they reply.

How much will it cost?

The price depends on the size and location of your tattoo and the rates of the artist you have chosen to do your tattoo. To clarify pricing we offer free consultations and you can discuss this with your artist. Our studio minimum price is $150. Please make sure you understand the process and length of time a tattoo can take. Sleeves, large or detailed tattoos can take multiple sessions and a total price is hard to estimate.

When will I see the design of my tattoo?

If you have booked in a custom design it is up to the discretion of your artist as to when they show you the design. Some artists like to send a design a few days before an appointment, some the day before and some wish to not send a design at all. This is the artist’s personal choice. Please respect their process and that they might have a lot of other designs to create. When you have chosen a specific artist you should be familiar with the style of work they create.

How can I pay?

We accept cash only in the studio. There are ATMs in Rundle Mall. Please come prepared before your tattoo and also consider that you may need to buy aftercare.

Are there any restrictions on who you will tattoo?

You must be 18 years or older to get a tattoo, even with parental consent it is illegal in South Australia to tattoo someone underage.

You must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, if you arrive and we believe you are inebriated you will be asked to leave and lose your deposit. Please refrain from taking any blood thinning medication (ibuprofen, aspirin, warfarin etc) before your appointment.
We can not tattoo a pregnant or breastfeeding person.

Are you wheelchair accessible?

Unfortunately due to the staired entryway we may be unable to accommodate tattoo clients who require mobility support items such as wheelchairs. If you wish to be tattooed by one of our artists, please let your support needs known, as guest spot accommodations can possibly be made if required. Our shared bathroom facilities are only accessible by stairs. If this is of concern please mention before booking in. We are sorry in advance for any inconvenience this causes.

Can I bring my friends?

Unfortunately not. Please come to your appointment alone. We do not have the space to allow plus 1s. It also helps keep every client’s tattoo experience as personal as possible. Our tattoo artists also need to concentrate and having too many people in close proximity can be very distracting.

What should I do before my appointment to prepare?

  • Please make sure you have eaten a good meal beforehand, you should be well rested and hydrated. You are welcome to brings snacks, drinks and something to entertain/distract your self while being tattooed. You do not need to shave beforehand - your artist can do this when they prep your skin.

  • Gentle exfoliating and moisturising on a regular basis will impress your artist! (or a week or two leading up to your appointment will suffice)

  • You should wear comfortable clothing and footwear that makes the tattoo area easy to get to. Please don’t wear your favourite outfit as inks can stain!

  • Please do not get sunburnt before your appointment! It will be detrimental to your tattoo and if the artist deems it unsafe to tattoo you will need to be rescheduled on the spot and your deposit may be forfeited.

  • If you wish to use numbing cream please advise your artist beforehand. Make sure you follow the directions on the product’s package.

  • Bonus points - Bring your own pillow and a towel to be extra comfortable.